Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Im Not Yet Dead!

Just In case you don’t know!

I'm not dead. 
What else to blah? Give some Excuses again? I hate having to explain my absence and I'm never accountable to anyone on why I was on hiatus, something I occasionally do. Trust me, I'm getting pretty good at it. It's always the same things, getting self-absorbed, blog loathing and what have you. It's always the same vicious cycle that I go through, repeated episodes of rants and ruminations. Sometimes, I don't know what else to say. I run short on words probably cause there's nothing inside my mind and there's really nothing there to begin with.
Let’s get down to the outfit nalang. I’m actually trying to inner out Patricia Prieto Style, Which is bold and sexy. The leather jacket gives flavor to the entire look (without it, Naaah Boring!).  Of course, whenever I'm out of town. I always wear shorts for me to feel comfatble. 


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