Today was just another one of those Tuesday when you don't feel like doing anything but staying in,eating a lot and watching TV. But i just cant imagine staying all alone at home.
So this is what i wore when i went to market with my sis.I needed to take a chill. From the stress, from the heat of the sun , and from all that color blocking! So, I decided to go for a comfortably neutral look, Something not so overdress yet safe. 
(Color Me Top/ Luna Pants/ Avon Clutch/ Penshopped Gladiator/ Custom made fringe Nicklace)

I do love dressing up and I normally do that in my normal life
This clutch was given by mom. I love the color because you can wear to any color
I dress up even when I’m at home, otherwise, I don’t function.
Lol =)
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